
JANE ABROOK | email: hello@janeabrook.uk


The word is derived from a Japanese translation which means ‘universal life force’. It is the same energy that flows through meridians of the body’s energy conduits.

A useful aid to healing both physical and emotional problems and acts to reduce stress and tension in life.

A full body treatment for deeper healing to release any energy blockages and relieve ailments they may cause.To stimulate the elimination systems of the body and promote detoxification. Promote deep relaxation for stress relief.

The essence of healing is that it is a change of state or body and mind. Reiki can be performed fully clothed either lying on a couch or sitting in a chair.

Reiki may help in the following ways:

Muscle relaxation

Relieve pain (inc. migraine, arthritis)

Improved circulation

Brings inner peace and harmony

Stress reduction

Balances the mind and the emotions

Speeds up recovery from surgery or illness



for 60 minute session